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Microsoft .NET Core 1.0.0 VS2015 Tooling Preview Update 2 fails to install with Error 0x81f4000: how to fix it

Microsoft .NET Core 1.0.0 VS2015 Tooling Preview Update 2 fails to install with Error 0x81f4000: how to fix it

If you stumbled upon this post, chances are you've just downloaded Microsoft's Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 together with the Microsoft .NET Core 1.0.0 VS2015 Tooling Preview Update 2, following the instructions written to the new Asp.Net Core website.

The Problem

However, right after installing the former, the latter executable refuses to install showing up the following error popup:


If you follow the given suggestion and open up the log file, you'll see a bunch of checks that seemingly went ok, until the one who's causing the issue:

 The Fix

The issue seems to be generated by the fact that VS Studio 2015 Update 3 is not correctly seen by the setup executable, thus making the internal checks erroneously fail.

Luckily enough, there's a simple workaround we can use to skip these checks by using a command-line parameter that does just that.

To get past the issue open a command prompt, navigate through the folder where you downloaded the Microsoft .NET Core 1.0.0 VS2015 Tooling Preview Update 2 executable file and type the following:

As soon as you hit ENTER, the setup program will start by skipping the erroneous Visual Studio Update checks, allowing you to install the package.


That's it for now: happy update!

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