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DownPicker is now available through CocoaPods

DownPicker: aggiunta integrazione con CocoaPods

A while ago I wrote an article about DownPicker, an open-source GitHub project written in Objective-C to make Android-like drop-down-lists on iOS like the one shown in the following image:


For additional info about DownPicker installation and features you can read my previous post here.

In case you want to try it (or if you're already using it) I'm pleased to inform you that DownPicker has been added to CocoaPods, the well-known dependency manager for Objective-C and Swift iOS components. If you never heard about it you can learn an excellent way to manage your iOS project by reading their official guide.

Installing DownPicker using CocoaPods is just as easy as adding this line to your Podfile:

Here are the CocoaPods relevant meta info:


You're still free to install it manually, as explained in the project GitHub page or directly in the official repository README doc.

Here are some useful links regarding the project:

Happy coding!


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