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ASP.NET Core 2 and Angular 5 - Video Course

ASP.NET Core 2 and Angular 5 - Video Course

After many weeks of technical reviews, updates and revisions, the Video Course on the book ASP.NET Core 2 and Angular 5 is finally available on the Packt Publishing website!

ASP.NET Core 2 and Angular 5 - Video Course

The video-course is about 3 hours long and has been elaborated on the basis of the first 6 chapters of the book, showing how to realize a working demo of a Single-Page Application built upon a solid ASP.NET Core 2 MVC API back-end ,an Angular 5 front-end and a Data Model powered by Entity Framework Core. The various sections are implemented by making use of a Full-Stack Development approach.

Needless to say, as the book itself explains in Chapter 1, Full-Stack doesn't mean mastering each andevery aspect of web application programming - no one can afford to do so nowadays - but rather raise the level of awareness of the entire set of tools chosen for our development activity: in other words, the video-course - as well as the book from which it is taken - shows the strenghts of the various frameworks to provide a broad overview on the various modern web development techniques available today:

Before answering the question, we should understand what we really meant when we said "being able to". We don't have to become experts on every single layer of the stack; no one expects us to do so. When we choose to embrace the full-stack approach, what we really need to do is to raise our awareness level throughout the whole stack we're working on; it means that we need to know how the backend works and how it can and will be connected to the frontend. We need to know how the data will be stored, retrieved, and then served through the client; we need to acknowledge the interactions we will need to layer out between the various components that our web application is made of, and we need to be aware of security concerns, authentication mechanisms, optimization strategies, load-balancing techniques, and so on.


This doesn't necessarily mean that we have to have strong skills in all these areas; as a matter of fact, we hardly ever will. Nonetheless, if we want to pursue a full-stack approach, we need to understand the meaning, role, and scope of any of them, and possibly, be able to work there whenever we need to.

The release of this video-course is an additional goal for the authors, after the amazing editorial results achieved by the book in 2017 (best-seller in USA, UK, France, Italy and Germany) and 2018, where it managed to be the publisher's best-selling title for the months of February, March and May, as well as climbing up to the most coveted podium of all, the's top 3 best-sellers in the prestigious ASP.NET and ASP.NET Programming categories:

ASP.NET Core 2 and Angular 5 - Video Course

The book performed really well even in Italy, becoming the #1 best seller within the Programming books in foreign language category, as demonstrated by the following screenshots of June 26, 2018 (more than 8 months from its release date):


Here is the list of the sections contained in the video-course:


The following paragraphis an excerpt from the product information sheet on the Packt Publishing website:

What You Will Learn

  • Use ASP.NET Core to its full extent to create a versatile backend layer based on RESTful APIs
  • Consume backend APIs with the brand new Angular 5 HTTP client
  • Use RxJS observers to feed the frontend UI asynchronously
  • Use the Entity Framework Core to develop an actual data model
  • Configure a web application in order to accept user-defined data and persist it into the database using server-side APIs
  • Connect different aspects of the ASP. NET Core framework ecosystem and make them interact with each other for a full-stack web development experience

Special thanks to those who'll support us purchasing the video, which is now available at the promotional price of € 10.24 for the first 48 hours!

This article is part of the ASP.NET Core 2 and Angular 5 book, available as paperback, e-book and as a 26-lessons video-course. Promo Code: ASPCA50 to get it with a 50% discount! The book's latest edition, updated to ASP.NET Core 5 and Angular 11, is available here.


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