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Linux - Come inviare E-Mail con sSMTP (con configurazioni-tipo per GMail, Aruba e Yahoo)

CRON and CRONJOB: The Heart of Automation in Unix Systems

In Unix and Unix-like operating systems, the cron command allows for the scheduling of commands, meaning their registration in the system so they can be executed periodically and automatically by …


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10 Must-Have features for a WordPress Website in 2019

WordPress: Recover Access Without Username and Password

Losing access to your WordPress site can be frustrating, especially if you can’t log in to the admin panel or use the password recovery tools. However, if you have access …

Operating Systems

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Linux - Come inviare E-Mail con sSMTP (con configurazioni-tipo per GMail, Aruba e Yahoo)

CRON and CRONJOB: The Heart of Automation in Unix Systems

In Unix and Unix-like operating systems, the cron command allows for the scheduling of commands, meaning their registration in the system so they can be executed periodically and automatically by …